About Us

desainrumahnya.com was created as a forum for information about Technology and Social Media which is increasingly developing rapidly, so that some people do not know the latest information from the latest information at this time, for that we do research by collecting the latest information about Technology and Social Media from all over the world sourced from official sites and various official forums that we collect into one page and easy to digest and read.

It is not easy for us to build and develop this website as more and more technology develops, but we can overcome all obstacles and obstacles one after another. Starting from planning, choosing the right domain name, responsive display design, we also arrange and arrange the layout or position of the article as well as possible so that visitors can easily understand it and are comfortable reading it.

On this website we make easy navigation for visitors so that readers don’t feel confused when they want to switch to tabs or other page navigation, beside and below the post we also display related posts or related articles, the search column is also very easy to find and we separate categories according to selected tags.

Final word from us if many pages or articles which can not be found on this website please you send feedback via tabs Contact so that we can immediately fix the errors or any kind of bugs you find. Thank you for visiting and hopefully all the content on this website is useful.

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